About me

In the magical corners of Colombia, where the earth
kisses the sky and the sun caresses the mountains

My Journey

Henry Alviar has been working in the art of steel sculpture since 1989 with his first monumental work in public "Palmeras" in Barranquilla. In his long trajectory in Colombia and abroad, he has shown his work in important exhibitions and galleries such as La Aduana in Barranquilla, Art Fusion Galleries, Colombian Consulate, and Art Basel in Miami, among others.

Currently, much of his work is being shown in New York (Southampton Art Collective).

They are multiple and varied designs sent to various countries. Nowadays they are well known and appreciated by those who want to preserve a representative artistic work associated with Colombia as the country of butterflies.

An expression of the soul

Alviar brand is created by the renowned sculptor Henry Alviar, which, through the iconography of yellow butterfly wings, proposes to establish itself as a distinctive symbol of Colombia at an international level.

Magic land

Colombia, the homeland of butterflies, harbors more than 3,600 species, a unique treasure in the world where nature unveils it's purest magic and seductive charm.


Sculptures inspired by the magical corners of Colombia, where the earth kisses the sky and the sun caresses the mountains, a celestial ballet of butterflies unfolds.


Wings that paint the air in the colors of the rainbow, these winged creatures dance in the breeze, transforming the landscape into a living canvas.

Heart of my art

My sculptures fuses natural beauty with timeless elegance, creating pieces that reflect the highest sophistication. It thus becomes a symbol of good taste and refinement, capable of transforming any space into an oasis of elegance.

Each meticulously sculpted detail and each outstretched wing inspires deep awe and wonder, stimulating the creativity and imagination of those who gaze upon them. Alviar invites you to dream and connect with beauty and nature.